Yes! Please do.
But if you buy from us, you'll get a letter mix that has been carefully optimized for the game (it makes a big difference, trust us), as well as premium, high-contrast tiles with a font designed specially for Yoink, which helps to read the letters when they are rotated, and to distinguish the Ms and Ws, Ns and Z, Os and Cs, etc. And of course you'll receive the official rules.
You might also get warm fuzzies for supporting a great game.Yes! Special pricing for teachers is a top priority that we plan to launch as soon as the Kickstarter is over.
Our animator is Stephanie Osin Cohen. We absolutely love how she captured the fierce competition, whimsical charm, and emotional roller-coaster of Yoink.
www.stephanieosincohen.comWas our dictionary missing a word it should obviously have? Or perhaps you are a word nerd first and a competitor second: were you able to submit a word that you should not have been able to?
Please email us at We can't promise we'll agree with you, but we're happy to hear all complaints. Language is a living thing!